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Darkness Fantasies #2

The rain was still hammering down and his jacket was no longer offering any form of shelter. His white shirt was soaking, translucent and clinging to his torso. Water had seeped under his waistband and into his boxers, whilst at the same time crept up the legs of his trousers.He felt and looked like a drowned rat.Due to the heavy rain clouds, blocking the moon and stars and no street lighting, he was surrounded by inky blackness and the high hedges on either side, left him feeling a little claustrophobic.Spotting a break in the hedging, where a gate was, he took the opportunity to stop and catch his breath. Feeling utterly wretched he peered into the gloom, trying to find a landmark or any signs of life and that was when he spotted the faintest of orange glows across the field.Straining to make out what he was seeing, he couldn't quite fathom it out, but deciding that it was a better option than continuing to stumble along his current course, and in the hope it was either a residence or street lighting, he decided to change direction.Unable to work the gate latch, he vaulted over it, tearing the arm of his shirt as he did and stumbling on landing, he slipped to his knees in mud. "FUCK" he screamed, this could not get any worse!

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